Saturday, April 18, 2009

the trolley problem

so last time I mentioned the distinction between killing and let die in ethics briefly.  one way this idea has been explored is through the hypothetical case called the trolley problem.  what's the problem? well, here's one version of the dilemma...

you are the driver of a trolley that is headed perilously towards three people on the trolley tracks.  if the trolley continues on its path the three people will be killed by the trolley but you cannot stop the trolley in time.  however, you can switch the trolley onto an alternate track avoiding the three in danger.  unfortunately, one person is on the alternate track and switching the track will mean killing the one person instead of the three.  what do you do? do you switch the tracks killing the one and sparing the three already in danger? or do you allow the trolley to continue on its path killing the three?

next time, more on how this dilemma and how it connects to the distinction between killing and let die

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